Tackle Twill

Tackle twill embroidery is a technique that involves sewing pieces of fabric onto a garment, usually a sports jersey or letterman jacket. The fabric pieces are cut into shapes and letters, then stitched onto the garment with a zigzag or satin stitch. This type of embroidery is commonly used in sports uniforms, as it adds a layer of texture and durability to the garment.

Tackle Twill - EliteWhen should you use tackle twill embroidery?

Tackle twill embroidery is best used on garments that will be subjected to a lot of wear and tear. This is why it is commonly used in sports uniforms and letterman jackets. The thick, layered fabric of tackle twill embroidery makes it more durable than traditional embroidery, and it can stand up to frequent washing and use. Additionally, tackle twill embroidery provides a three-dimensional look to a garment, making it an ideal choice for adding letters or numbers to a sports jersey or jacket.

Pros of tackle twill embroidery:

  1. Durability – Tackle twill embroidery is more durable than traditional embroidery, as the fabric pieces are sewn onto the garment with a zigzag or satin stitch. This makes it an ideal choice for garments that will be subjected to frequent wear and tear.
  2. Texture – Tackle twill embroidery adds texture to a garment, giving it a three-dimensional look. This is particularly useful when adding letters or numbers to a sports jersey or jacket.
  3. Color – Tackle twill embroidery allows for a wide range of colors to be used, as the fabric pieces can be cut into any shape or size.

Cons of tackle twill embroidery:

  1. Cost – Tackle twill embroidery can be more expensive than traditional embroidery, as it requires more materials and time to complete.
  2. Weight – Tackle twill embroidery adds weight to a garment, which may not be desirable in certain situations.
  3. Limited design options – Tackle twill embroidery is best suited for simple designs, as complex designs can be difficult to execute with this technique.

Tackle twill embroidery is a technique that is best used on garments that will be subjected to a lot of wear and tear, such as sports uniforms and letterman jackets. While it is more durable and adds texture to a garment, it can be more expensive and add weight to a garment. Tackle twill embroidery is an ideal choice for simple designs and can be executed in a wide range of colors.